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organizers .


Magda Nico is a sociologist, researcher at CIES (ISCTE-IUL) and Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Research Methods at ISCTE-IUL. She is currently the Principal Investigator of the project "Vidas Vinculadas: a multilevel longitudinal and mixed approach to the family's life course" funded by FCT. She is also developing the research “Family portraits of Contemporary Portugal: generations, life course and social mobility” and a qualitative follow-up study on the life trajectories of young people before and after the crisis, both funded by the FCT. She is interested in life course perspectives and methods (quantitative and qualitative), life trajectories and transitions (particularly in the period of transition to adulthood) and social mobility within the family. She co-coordinates the APS “Families and Life Course” section; she is a member of the Youth partnership's Pool of European Youth Reserchers; and a representative of the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies.  

Recent publications:


Coordination of projects of  investigation:

  • (2018-2021) Linked Lives:  A mixed longitudinal multilevel  approach to family life course |  Linked Lives: a longitudinal and mixed multilevel approach to the family life course - Project website: link

Email :

Personal page:  link


Ana Caetano is a sociologist, researcher at the Center for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL) and Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Research Methods at ISCTE-IUL. Her research interests are mainly focused on the topics of personal reflexivity, biographical ruptures and the relationship between structure and agency. She has worked especially with the implementation of biographical methods. She is currently the Principal Investigator of the project " Biographical echoes: triangulation in the study of life paths " and  she is carrying out research  on the experience of biographical crises (titled  “Living in times of crisis: events, causes and effects of biographical crises”), both funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).

Recent publications:


Coordination of projects of  investigation:

  • (2018-2021) Biographical echoes: triangulation in the study of life histories |  Biographical echoes: triangulation in the study of life paths - Project website: link

Email :

Personal page : link

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